Storms and Flooding – yet Delight is Hiding in Plain Sight African Flag flower When the bushtits flock into to my garden, all my senses leap into a state of delight. Always. And out of the blue it happens in the middle of Tuesday’s historic storm. The pounding rain is easing for a moment, but the winds are increasing their gusts to 70 – 90 mi/h. The Camellia tree and fence are falling over again, despite staking efforts after the previous week’s atmospheric river. I am out clearing drains, evaluating, fixing and fastening things. To my huge surprise – in midst of ferocious winds whipping the big oaks, loud clanging of my many chimes, a sonic chaos swelling and ebbing like the agitated ocean – the bushtits arrive! Twittering away with their soft chips, fluttering and flitting about, hanging upside down, foraging for the tiniest insects and spiders. Their plumage gets ruffled by the gusts, but otherwise the birds seem unperturbe...