
Karinaland River

When twenty-seven years old, Karina Epperlein, born into postwar Germany, came with one suitcase to San Francisco in 1981, to perform with an American theater company. Since she has been living in the Bay Area creating original theater pieces, making social issue documentary films, teaching the Principles and Art of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, as well as researching for and painting with friends on her 641 Garage Memorial Mural, writing for Karinaland River, translating, practicing her cello, stewarding the grounds of Karinaland, inviting friends for homemade spiced applesauce and garden herb tea…. 







Click image below for brief interview with Karina at the Cleveland Int'l Film Festival in 2015
about her feature documentary Finding the Gold Within:


Independent filmmaker Karina Epperlein, a native of Germany, has worked in Europe and the United States for the past 48 years as a dancer, designer, theater artist, filmmaker, and teacher. Karina’s work is always looking into dark corners, finding the light, addressing the themes of justice, transformation, and healing. Beginning of 2011, she began working on her feature-length documentary Finding the Gold Within. It is her tenth film, and premiered in 2014.


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