Don’t We All Need Care Packages? How can a small package create so much feeling and pleasure? Well, this package has had a long odyssey coming all the way from Königshagen in Germany where my brother Matthias lives, it is traveling to the US twice. First time, end of August – in a spontaneous move – my brother sends it somehow incorrectly even though it cost a lot of money. Sitting at customs in US for a while, it is then after all returned to him. But das Päckchen urges him to not give up, it is feisty. At the post office he finds out about another option, and mails it again. It takes only 3 weeks this time. So, five days ago, the small package lies peacefully – to my eyes smiling wistfully – in my mailbox after almost three months . My heart leaps. Inadvertently, it has now become my "early" birthday package. Without hesitation, I allow myself to open it. Letting the content spill on the carpet, I am oohing, aahing and cooing, feeling the delirious excitement of very you...