O edelstes GrĂ¼n – most royal green verdancy... It rained hard; the hill is all mud. The various grasses are shooting up high, thickly clustered, turning the terraced slope into a sprawling meadow. With wet juicy green – the kind of green that feeds and seduces the eyes and soul. The whole backyard is “peppered” with clusters of Chasmanthe (African Corn Flag or Cobra Lily), their tall blade-shaped leaves and orange feathery flowers on long stalks. This plant has been in the garden before I arrived 32 years ago. Clusters of plantain plants, my favorite medicinal ally, are rising high. Stretches of ivy, ground ceanothus, creeping along. Two different camelia trees with deep red sumptuous flowers, a couple of wild rose bushes just starting to bloom in softest pink. Forget-me-nots throughout, yellow oxalis, red pineapple and purple wooly sage, blue-eyed grass, California poppies. The Hellebore under the oaks, the small camelia bush with its huge muted dark-rose blossoms. A...