Weltschmerz It is the task of the living to honor and celebrate the dead. They leave us gifts and we are grateful. We miss them and keep them alive in our hearts. Today is the birthday of the late G.P. Skratz (April 23, 1948 – June 6, 2023), prolific poet, bard, songwriter, performance artist, and translator, beloved for his big unique laughter. At the recent memorial for him, on Sunday, April 14, I re-meet colleagues and friends I had not seen in 30 or 40 years. What a time warp. From the table of giveaways, I take a small turquoise paper square (3’’ x 3’’). Once at home, I unfold the mystery : Words by gp skratz, paper art by Linda Lemon This poem, called Weltschmerz, appears in three dimensions, three lines, ending in a question. Here I feel the late Linda Lemon, artist and partner of GP Skratz for several decades. Here, her paper art is combined with Skratz’s words – beautiful and simple. Linda died on March 8, 2024. In honor of each of...