
Showing posts from June, 2024

  Worlds within Worlds secret cathedrals   within dried blossoms   fairy tale dimensions of wonder what seems crumpled up and gone   breathes silently   has wings   surprises us and sighs in waves   wrapped in fibrous eternal crisp existence new worlds in waiting   ready to erupt   leap into unknown space   here we peel away the certainties   allow for dazzling multitudes marbled flames emerge with clarity   shape-shifting leisurely   from dwarf to giant   dinosaur to flea   virus to volcano from everything or nothing to ALL   out of nowhere   ALL is possible who would have guessed? awe is streaming steadily   vanishes into airy fields   stretching far   …and nobody would have known…  
  Playful The inventiveness and playfulness of nature in all its forms are awaiting us every day, every minute, if we are ready to pay attention. Nothing is set in stone. All is in flux, eager to shift, all will change. All is happy to metamorphose: from blossoms to fruit to seed, from desperate for rain to deliriously lush, from egg to larvae to pupae, from tiny seedling to 140-year-old live oak, and on and on. My ferns are unfurling their arms ready to take in the light and breeze. The nasturtium plants are curling and draping themselves luxuriously over stones, steps, into the jade bush. When the flowers are done the caper-like seeds start to form in trios. This year the sweet peas are climbing up into the apple tree, the wisteria decides to show up late with its fragrant bloom. What unfolds is improvisational art, dancing with demands of the bigger forces. This is instrumental. There appears to be an agreement: why not try this? Or maybe that? Early on, this way of existing see...
Practice – Life   Some people are naturally disciplined. I often confess to my students that  I am an undisciplined person . Whenever I muster discipline, it is fueled by curiosity, then passion (a kind of falling in love), then devotion, in that order.  And practice is all. My life has guided me deep into three fields, each organically blending into and building upon the other, complementing. In each field, I will dedicate myself to daily practice for two or three decades – not just years. The question is: can I keep learning, improving, transforming, contributing, discovering? T o me p ractice means never-ending exploration. I keep developing skills and artistry in these three areas through thousands of hours of practice, study, and work. First in the   Theater  – via creating, choreographing, performing, writing, directing, designing, collaborating. At the core is my aspiration to grow as a human being. Secondly, in   Filmmaking  – via envisioning, ...