Geborgenheit – Wordless Sitting on death row is the opposite of feeling Geborgenheit , feeling safe. Geborgenheit is a beautiful German word, old-fashioned, with so many subtleties that it takes several words to convey its meaning. It can be translated as “in the arms of the Great Mother” or “deep feeling of security” – in a mother’s safe embrace. We all yearn for it, one way or the other. We all need it, feeling protected, comfort. Geborgenheit is a sensation in my soul that is wordless. It is a feeling of wholeness. I did not know it as a child. A few years ago, I started to taste it finally. I had to practice evoking Geborgenheit till it gradually began lodging itself viscerally into my being, deeply. Some of us, perhaps many, each for different reasons, might not know basic security and trust, and my heart goes out to all of us. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/30/opinion/deathy-penalty-texas.html https://innocenceproject.org/petitions/jus...