Multitudes The ancient plum tree under the live oaks is more than abundant this year, heavy with fruit hanging low. It is receiving quite a bit more sun now that Mama Oak has departed last August. And the squirrels have been kept to a very low number by the hawks scouting their territory daily. The other day, one of those fierce birds is landing on a low oak branch right in front of me as I come down the stairs. Both of us hold still. So close. Our sacred meeting lasts a while, we eye each other and rest in our co-existence, curious, calm, open. Different worlds are always close to each other, but here we are bound in a field of shared awareness – undefended. This is a possibility. Breathtaking. Feathered and smiling we fly on to our tasks of the day. This morning – delicate rivulets of feeling running together into the river of life, into the lake of my being – many different voices meet, interweave, residing in harmony, co-mingling in balance. Multitudes: joy, outrage, enthusia...