Tikkun Olam Pledges Saturday, I start lining the patio with chairs, Afghani stools, and benches, to create a big oval space. Around the perimeter I pin fabric from all over the world. This funky outdoor living room will be holding together the circle of guests and food, memories and hope. For four decades, I collected them: keffiyehs from Syria and Palestine, embroidered fabric from Mexico, Guatemala and India, woven cloth from Berber nomads in Sinai. I envisage these weavings to embrace all of us so we can become courageous, caring world citizens. It just so happens that no photos are taken at my Citizenship Celebration on Sunday October 20 here in Karinaland . Is it divine direction? War, chaos, disaster – it has happened before, it is happening right now all over the world. I myself was born into moral and literal physical rubble of post-war Germany. Till age 27, I grew up in an era of slow collective reckoning with a horrific unimaginable past. ...