Here is Karina:
To begin, I want to give big thanks first of all to Bob Ng, my cello teacher par excellence. He is among other things also a life long art photographer. His beautiful black and white photos of the 641 Garage BLM Memorial Mural inspire me. Now is the time to try a new adventure and follow Bob’s suggestion to write a blog.
Among other things an attempt to tell the unfolding story of this ongoing art project. A mural started on private property in public view, becoming collaboration, public art, dialogue, education, and expression of my life’s passions. Everything I’ve experienced in my life, have learned or undertaken has been flowing into this project. I am especially looking forward to introduce you to my wonderful collaborators.
And I invite comments from you: my friends, contributors, neighbors, on-lookers, dog walkers, by-passers on foot, bike, regular or occasional. Or in cars to Tilden Park occasionally stopping to take a still and send it to Thailand or Italy.