It is so dry. My hands crack working in the garden, raking masses of very dry leaves, the dust. The oaks are continuously shedding, sooner than any other year. I put out shallow bowls for the birds to drink and bathe.
In the last few days, when teaching several private sessions, I hear myself repeatedly talking about Gravity as one of our greatest allies. How true. Allowing us to root and connect to earth. Holding us. Like Breath, supporting us. These basic principles play important roles in our lives, especially when we become aware, pay attention and learn to come into Balance. Gravity when I glide upwards the 108 stairs, allowing the hill to carry me up – and Gravity when I come down to empty the buckets full of leaves into the green can on the street. Giving my body a chance to find and practice Balance in motion. At the end of the day, on the last descent, hands empty, i jump from step to step. And then have a bowl of yoghurt with my home made plum compote – so utterly delicious and refreshing.