Introdcution to Nicky
It’s high time to introduce you to Nicky, my friend, collaborator, and helper in many areas, including the mural. For the past four years, she has been coming weekly to work on whatever needs attention in my Karinaland: the garden, social media for my documentary films, organizing Listening Salons in my living room, hanging bamboo shades in the patio etc etc. Nicky is a gifted artist, activist, dance teacher, poet, deep thinker, and more
We are kindred spirits, no doubt. Both full with wonder for nature, love for art, and a fiery desire for justice and equality/equity. When together we are talking up a storm about the world, society, history, culture, needed change, and complexities in all areas of life.
So when I told her last June about my vision for the garage doors becoming a Memorial Mural she was as always most supportive and excited to participate and help. From another mural project downtown Oakland she brought a canvas and a bucket full of brushes. To begin with we both measured and then penciled long horizontal lines so that each panel on the doors would be divided into three areas.
We cherish our intergenerational friendship. Nicky just turned 32, which makes her 35 years my junior. She is Filipina, born here, I am German born. We learn so much from each other, finding delight in our differences and common areas. She calls me her elder, mentor, and adopted grandma :) I happily get educated by her about the younger generations, their struggles and visions for a better world. More soon about this amazing woman and spirit. Thank you Nicky for being who you are.