Structure & Flow.   Form & Movement.   Body & Breath.

The general layout of the Memorial creates Structure and Form for the different handwritings of the involved artists: Nicky, Laura, Tomye, Jonas, Christopher, Renate, and me. This way, the eye can find rest. The variations of brush calligraphy create flow and change. But there is a repeating pattern, not just chaos. We can read each individual story and take it in fully. The garage doors themselves offer their wooden panels, symmetry of vents, locks and framing.

A gallon – more than we needed – of dark grey matte house paint was gifted to me by the painter at my neighbors (he had overestimated the needed quantity) when I mention that I really would like to use this exact color, and asked for the numbers.

Anthony Ramon Baez 

Sept. 20, 1965 – Dec. 22, 1994, 29 year old Security Guard, Bronx, New York

Casper Banjo     

Feb. 1937 - March 14, 2008, 70 year old Civil Rights Visual Artist Activist, Oakland, California

My friend Tomye – marvelous Living Artist – who painted with us and helped with research, brought his name and story for the mural. Many other artist in the East Bay knew and remember him. Who of you knew Casper? 


Alex K said…
What you write here is so interesting and helpful. Teaching and helping me in a few and direct words not only to more deeply see and appreciate your mural but also how to look more meaningfully at art and even life.

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