This morning in her private session, my long time student and friend Karen told me about the big hundred-year-old Oak in their backyard, splitting all the way yesterday, and having to be taken down today. A big thing. Big Change. For an hour we worked in my living room with axis, alignment, the vertical, and rooting, discovering courage to trust. Deep inner energetic shifts allowed her to harmonize into wholeness despite loss. Mind Body Being all one, like a tree; she went home to bring this energy to her changed yard.
Trees die softly, surrendering back into earth. Even if they should crash loudly, they might – like my neighbor’s huge pine – fall over suddenly at midnight onto the middle of the street, and yet avoid kindly & generously crushing any of the numerous parked cars. I am in awe of these beings. I feel intertwined with my big old Live Oaks and Cork Oak in my backyard. I sleep with them, and for over thirty years I have been allowing them to be my teachers and consolation.