Today is my father’s birthday.
He would have turned 96 this year.
Heinz Epperlein, July 24, 1925 – May 14, 1993.
Papa died fairly young, at the age I am now. On the airplane to Germany, I design a five-pawed lion, my father was a Leo. A most kind, sensitive, inventive, unusual, curious and beautiful man. Arriving at my mother’s, I outline a large version onto cloth, and partition it into the exact number of people (24) who will attend the “Kaffee und Kuchen” after the funeral. Then I cut these 24 roundly shaped parts from a different fabric, and hand out crayons asking the guests to draw what my father meant to them. Nobody knew about my lion. When I roll out the big lion on the coffee table, my piece in the center of the lion’s face already, everyone finds the matching shape for their piece like in a puzzle – and Heinz magically manifests. All are moved and awed, including me. Papa in the hearts of friends, colleagues and family: a man of Sonne und Liebe. Sun & love.
On return to America, this community piece becomes a wall hanging in my living room. It is now 29 years of me telling to visitors the story of the five-pawed lion on the wall; its colors have faded… My father’s spirit alive in beauty….