Today is my mother’s birthday: she would have turned 93 this year! 

Jutta Epperlein, July 21, 1928 – January 1, 2016

To celebrate and honor her and her making of art till the end of her life, I am sharing with you the tiniest fraction of her prolific outpouring of very original and unique creativity. Here are a few of her painted stone sculptures. She was a trained bookbinder, painter, ceramicist, enamelist, weaver, most inventively working in many mediums. Among them making banners for the Peace Movement in Germany (Friedensbewegung), and woven wall hangings for institutions. I miss you dearly, Mama.


Alex K said…
Reading your memory and honoring of your mother and her beautiful artwork had me reflecting on how I keep the memory of my parents. I realized how important and necessary and rightful it is to do so. I then thought about your previous post acknowledging and honoring (respecting) the previous inhabitants of the land you live on. This felt so right and connected to the honoring of our parents/ancestors. As I write this I realize the largeness that your mural touches on: that we are all intertwined and in order to be whole one must see clearly how we hold and what we do to others in and outside our community. Thank you

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