We all feel it – undeniably, radical changes are happening, and we can participate by allowing transformation to take place consciously in our own body, being, mind. For me, getting older means walking with awareness towards death, no matter how much life I might still have left. We don’t know. Death is our companion, looking over our shoulder – we don’t know when she will knock. This sets me free to savor, delight and cherish, small and big moments.
The other thing more important than ever, is making sure to leave invisible road markers, like crumbs, for the younger generations to stay on track, meaning in harmony with the truth of their soul. These guide posts might help them to find their way back to center, sanity, their own dreams and original purpose. I was lucky to have had true and magnificent Elders in my life – I experienced them as generous guides, not needing the limelight anymore. Now more than ever, we need the ancestors, the old and the young work together to re-imagine new ways forward, on all fronts and levels.
For her journey to support the indigenous leaders and water protectors at the STOP LINE 3 front lines at the Mississippi headwaters in Minnesota, I gave Nicky small bottles of my home made garden medicine: infused oil of plantain, tinctures of lemon balm (Melissa), scarlet pimpernel, and California poppy. Travelling, she shared these with her three friends. Nicky, now that you are back – please tell us of your adventures – tell us what moved you, impressed you, what did you learn?