Forces bigger than us…
They don’t exist? Till they impact me, you… Don’t exist till they reach you and your loved ones? Earthquakes, firestorms, flash floods, heat waves, pandemics, viruses, diseases, hunger, drought, evacuations, wars, bombings, torture, slavery, genocides, or just plain normal death – they never seem to happen much in this country. Or only recently. Of course that is not true. The ones most affected and suffering are predominantly brown and poor people who are not protected or insured. Unrelenting force and terror are experienced in man-made wars of all kinds. But now the Forces of Nature, more powerful than humans, are hitting increasingly harder, in accelerated fashion. We pay more attention. No matter how much we try to deny, control, sue, blame, prepare, they won’t go away…. The denial of it all is the saddest….
Here is a toast to the Forces of Nature bigger than us teaching & humbling us –
wanting to be heard, respected, and danced with….
Inviting us to Change
PS: May help and consolation reach those who are affected each day in catastrophic ways by these sweeping forces! May we all reach out a hand. Many thanks to those who do. May goodness prevail.