Freedom of Feet – Feet of Freedom
Nothing better than walking Barefoot – Breathing with the Soles of the Feet.
Feeling the world through the eyes and ears of Feet.
What a luxury. Purely sensing. Directly receiving, letting the messages ripple up through legs and spine, bringing harmony to the body as it responds in direct pleasure. Not preferring or avoiding. Rather giving over to dry soil or leaves, gravel or moss, stone, sand, wood, asphalt, wool carpet, hot, warm or cool, rough or prickly, smooth or sharp…. and so much more in between. Sighing – and allowing the massage to happen. Skin, nerve strands, and meridians are getting stimulated. Alive. Soft, open, aware…
Feet are creatures and we rarely allow them the pleasure of breathing, of being free and naturally playful. We keep them tightly encased and sheltered, away from air and the elements. Toes want to wiggle, stretch, bend, grip, and tell stories. Slide over surfaces. Soles want to relax into ground, roll, and peel off – ball of foot, arch and heel. Feet gliding…. ready to leap, turn, hop, stomp, rest… telling stories, making rhythm… Feet hearing the ancient poems of earth, her vibrations. Feet listening to her melodies….
All this happens naturally, we see it in kids – we don’t need to be a dancer. It is a natural possibility, right or privilege when alive. Relating to the world with our feet might tickle belly, make us giggle with joy and delight, fill and open the heart…. It’s available to us for free, any minute of day or night. All my life I have been in love with my feet, and their creative ways of meeting the ground, the earth. I admire their sensitive, responsive, and connected ways, their capacity for ecstatic communication, for sensing & listening.
Here is to Freedom of Feet. Will you try?