Grey hazy skies full of smoke and ashes….

Asking for color, for delight….

Poppy twins from my vernal garden

Bring a big smile…

What brings you delight?


Laura said…
I was delighted by a bright orange nasturtium this morning. I spotted it peaking out from behind some big green leaves as I went to pick some basil this afternoon. It wasn't there (or I hadn't noticed it) the last time I watered.. It was the only flower in the whole pot of green leaves. It's vibrant color surprised and delighted me.
Karina said…
Your nasturtium plants growing from the seeds from my garden? Nasturtiums are playful, they grow in winding, mysterious ways :)
Laura said…
Yes! I love them! And am very grateful to you for sharing the seeds and the joy from these plants. :) Thank you Karina! Now this morning I see another small flower bud emerging next to it..

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