At the Edge of an Another Continent
Approaching the beach on the gravelly path, the soles of my bare feet are breathing a multitude of sensations – and I wonder if it will be windy, cool or balmy. As soon as I reach the highest point of the sand dune that yields entrance to the beach, a deep awe starts permeating through my skin. The far horizon – where ocean and sky are flowing happily into each other – seems close. An all consuming, soft, grey-green light is enveloping my body. It is reaching deep into my ribcage memory chest. Cresting waves play their music. The salty breeze infuses my lungs, skin, and belly. Breath stretches itself into the expansive beach. Eyes melt and familiar sensations from a long time ago arise with the rhythmic waves.
My seventeen-year-old self in the Bretagne, France, first time at the Atlantic Ocean… edged deep into my bone memory. Remembering with soft wonder what it feels like when the Unknown moves into close contact and embraces our sense of Being.
Here now at the Pacific Ocean, California at the edge of another continent half a century later walking on the beach me dissolving merging becoming Sand Salt Seal Sky Sandpiper Seagull Seaweed Pelican Wave Wing Wind feet and every thing
alive ….