My garage doors still surprise me every time I come home. For the past year and more, I have been experiencing them as a "prayer wall" – especially when standing in front, alone, or with others, or even from across the street. A mysterious intimacy arises in my heart, and I have observed this also in strangers who stop and contemplate. I wonder if therefore the conversations at this "prayer wall" always have a special flavor. We stop, slow down, and taste the sacredness of life....

In a comment beneath the series of black & white stills, Nicky wrote two weeks ago a beautiful musing about her looking at (and painting on) the memorial:

"when i look at this wall it feels like a prayer or meditation in memory. as someone from a colonized history, my ancestors come from the islands known as "the philippines," reclaiming prayer, practicing prayer is sometimes a struggle. my imagination creates snapshots of the peoples' lives as my eyes wander and swim across the words. it feels like time traveling, feeling past present & future at once. the experience also shifts from inward to outward, from my memories to reflections on collectiveness, collective history, collective memory. it stirs up the experience of painting & sketching so closely to the wall - and it's interesting to take it in, the names, words, lives from close range and then from a distance across the street. it brings up feelings of last year's summer uprisings - anger, grief, determination, hope – created connections so strong in our community and beyond, crossed continents & oceans like a mycelium. it has existed before & will continue to exist, but i wonder how many people have disconnected or silenced the call in themselves since then."


Alex K said…
Seeing the mural as a "prayer wall" moves me deeply and opens up a deeper sense of connection with those who are commemorated and their loved ones. Also Nicky's comment is so eloquent and in particular her last words "I wonder how many people have disconnected or silenced the call in themselves.." These words resonated with me and awakened me to the connection and call.

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