For many years now I have been talking in my teaching and writing about

Seeing with the Heart’s Eyes

This way of perceiving is more like listening, letting light, shadow, subtle energies of all kind, including sounds and vibrations, come to our senses, and directly into our heart. Here we can see what is invisible. It is an Art that needs be cultivated, remembered and practiced daily. As an artist or healer – when drawing from this ground – we become the bridge to other worlds.

Thus connected to the source, we become true “seers” and visionaries. And responsibilities come with it. We are asked to be an instrument, clear and open, fine-tuned and played, like a bell or gong. This receptive mode – more yin in quality – can balance the often grasping habit of seeing surface and appearances which initiates in the brain immediate judging, categorizing, sorting out, excluding, etc.

I experience seeing with the heart’s eyes like music. As inspiration and teacher for this, I have kept for 35 years a very precious and unusual instrument with me. The heavy brass tube is hanging in my living room, waiting to be struck. When I play the Gong with my big semi soft mallet, it is filling the whole space ringing in several overtones. After the last tap, the symphony of sounds keeps vibrating for another 10 minutes or more, allowing us to enter a different world. It makes the heart vibrate, it opens the inner eye.

(For another day the Gong’s surprising origin and story)


nicole gervacio said…
the way you explain "seeing with the heart's eyes" resonates so much...

also, it's truly incredible to experience the gong! grateful to have experienced it in our Listening Salons, celebratory gatherings, as well as the beautiful memorial by the apple tree :)
Karina said…
Yes many many rituals and gatherings in my life & theater performances, and later in my home here in Karinaland have been elevated by the Gong! 35 years is long time i realize :) and Alex's memorial in the garden was another good example of the Gong's magic...

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