Today, all of us here in California are “swimming” in an Atmospheric River which is soaking us deeply. We are brought together in a bathing and cleansing ritual of atmospheric dimension, showering us with blessings and fervently longed for rain. May people be safe in areas with flash flooding and power outages. May those who have to serve and work outdoors stay warm and dry.

On this morning, I stay in bed in my cottage watching through the window and skylights the oaks’ long limbs sway violently in the storm’s gusting. What a spectacle, at times scary and dizzying. And then I sense distinctly that the rain, winds & plants are having a big dance party. The big trees especially are getting their root system exercised. Old extra weight is disposed of, smaller branches bang on my cottage roof as they fall 60 feet or more. When I get up to inspect the land, the whole backyard is densely strewn with leaves and twigs clothed in usnea lichen and moss. Little streams rushing down the terraced hill, all day I will have to clear leaves from the clogged drains on the patio. And this is only half of the storm system :)

Midday I put on old rain pants I discover in the closet, my rain jacket and rain boots for a walk. Aaahhhh – what moist air – the streets are empty, nobody is out walking, only a few cars. A symphony of sounds: wind gusting, swooshing, hissing, water rushing, gurgling, drumming on my hood. Owning the street reminds me of the beginning of the pandemic when humans were hiding out, and nature was happy. Today birds and squirrels are also sheltering from the downpours. Homes look cozy with their lights on in kitchens and living rooms. Now wind and rain are increasing, and turning another corner, my face – the only exposed skin – gets pelted. At first the stinging sensation is painful. Then, I am squinting my eyes, smiling through the blinding drops, leaning into the strong gusts, and love it :)  The trees are starting to fade into the clouds, barely visible; all seems to swim in water. I am truly swallowed up into direct contact with the elements, floating in the timeless mystical mood of the Atmospheric River….

An hour later back at home, I peel off the wet and dripping rain clothes’ layer, feeling the faint dampness of my clothes evaporate rapidly in the warm indoors. How lucky I am, only one window is leaking. With a cup of tea, and a few candles, I listen to the ever-changing rhythms of rain and wind, feeling invigorated by this historic Atmospheric River...


nicole gervacio said…
so grateful for the rain after such a dry year! i hibernated and made art like i haven't in awhile...atmospheric river inspired some creative flow. i know i am lucky/privileged that this is how i get to experience the downpour. haven't gone on a rain walk in awhile and loved reading about i'm craving one

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