Another angle
(still by Bob Ng)

“There’s been an attempt to limit the reality of what is.” 



Unknown said…
Reading this article reminds me of your post from a couple weeks back about looking the woman in the street in the eye when she came over to ask you for help. There is so much looking away going on, so many [white] people avoiding reality. It also reminds me of how you are teaching me to come into center and to greet life directly, rather than hanging back on my heels. I see it in so-called intellectuals as much as anyone else, an inability to really be present with one another and confront the reality that we are living in. The process of coming into center feels so relevant now, and so important to caring for one another. -Aysha (that other anonymous comment you responded to was from someone else, not me!)
Karina said…
Yeah, Aysha, when we see with the eyes of the heart and the eyes of the center we begin to fully and directly relate to life, others, and our existence, and wasting our precious time is not an option anymore. We start to CARE !!!

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