It is good to see that justice is insisted upon, and at the same time it is devastating. Why was Ahmaud killed in the first place? By who and for what reason? Being Black was enough to be hunted down... How come fairness to Black Americans is not granted? neither in life nor in death....
Ahmaud Marquez Arbery
May 8, 1995 – Feb 23, 2020
25 year old Electrician, Glynn County, Georgia
“We no longer intend to beg for justice. We demand it. We expect it,” says civil rights lawyer Gerald A. Griggs.
“What’s on trial is the importance of African American life in this country,” said Darren West, a Black pastor in Brunswick.
Annie Polite, an 87-year-old Brunswick native, joined in the vigil after lunch, using a walker to reach a sunny patch on the lawn. “I’ve seen a lot in my 87 years in Georgia,” she said. “Some things have changed, but it’s not enough. We have to lift our voices up here in search of justice. That’s why I’m here. Folks are sick and tired of being sick and tired.”