My husband was an Owl. In the last few years of his life – being already in his eighties – I got him this stone sculpture to keep looking over him when I was traveling with my film’s screenings and outreach. The Owl sits now with two other stones I painted with words of poetry to mark his presence in the area under the live oaks where I scattered his ashes. We were together for 25 years, and he was 25 years my senior.

Bob loved poetry, his father was a poet. I chose the poem in yesterday’s entry for a memorial pamphlet I made in 2016. To get a feel for Bob’s originality, intelligence, rebel nature, humor, and fierce integrity, have a look at Memorial Page from UC Berkeley Sociology Department, where his students – themselves accomplished and renown professors and writers across America ­– and colleagues share insightful and funny stories. Very fun to read. Bob was a character :) and a Mensch.

You will hear more about him in the coming months. His 1989 book Black Lives, White Lives will finally be re-issued in paperback by the University of California Press on February 1, 2022 (ready for pre-order soon). For the past months, I have been shepherding the 32-year-old classic of a book through its timely rebirthing process.


nicole gervacio said…
it has been so enlightening to learn about Bob through you. his legacy lives on because of the time, energy, and understanding you put into stewarding this important work. i look forward to reading his book! this documentation is so relevent & necessary and will hopefully reach far and wide with this re-issue...

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