On my front door
May we be open to sharing, thanking, mourning, celebrating, smiling.... 


Alex K said…
What a beautiful heart! My experience of coming to your door has been of being invited to explore and express what matters. This comes from you and how you have created your home and tended to the land. Your recounting of your childhood memory of drinking blood orange juice is a testimony to the attention and care you bring to things and it seems to me this infuses all around you.
Karina said…
Yeah the front door has been prominent in the last 20 months, it's where i share meals with people, because it is a warm sunny spot. Hardly anybody has entered into the house, but i feel my interior (home) has been expanded out into the whole land, Karinaland... and this is also true metaphorically, i let the limitations thrust upon us open my reach beyond the contained ways, further out.... the blood orange juice in my childhood was a precious tiny amount, but so potent, teaching me savoring and caring in times of hardship...

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