Die Liebeswellen dieser Welt… waking up with those words on my tongue a few days ago… shockwaves, air waves, sound waves, ocean waves, lava waves… birth waves, heat waves, death waves, Todeswellen… arising and falling… destroying and birthing… dissolving and reweaving… 

A beautiful delicate ring emanates when I strike the brass bowl that I hand hammered 50 years ago. I introduced my bowl to you on Jan 11. It’s not a singing bowl, but it sings with a high & lower note, half tones & overtones, despite its very thin wall. 


Since childhood I believe that all things and beings emanate their original Song, vibrations that we humans might not hear, but we can know when tuning in. Animals, plants, trees, and some humans, are able to discern the Song’s melody and rhythm. Like a wave it rises and then ebbs. It is like our signature or name, only deeper, it comes from the Soul announcing its presence.  For example, water in a singing bowl responds to the vibrations, each drop starts to dance and arrange itself into a pattern – so do we humans. All elements – we notice this with sand – all life does. We forget how interwoven, responsive, and subtly interactive we are at all times. Space and distance not an obstacle… 


Every manifestation has their Song, its unique essence. It is the mystery that we don’t listen to often enough. When a person dies, we can still hear their Song – even memories of voice or laughter will make us resonate with it. If we pay attention, open our senses, we can feel our body’s cells vibrating, swinging, creating patterns. We can hear the Song of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai Volcano erupting, we can feel the tsunami waves originating 5,000 miles away ripple through our body, through the body of the earth... 

the love waves of this world…. 


Alex K said…
My Mother's birthday is tomorrow, Jan 21st. I had a difficult relationship with her. She was a holocaust survivor with many losses. She loved me very much but I also experienced her as smothering so I spent most of my life with her warding her off to the point where I did not allow her love in or mine out. She died in 2013. I think of her often but many times in a troubled way. Over time, I have felt regret, sadness and guilt which has gradually transformed into gratitude and love. The regret I feel for not being able to express it to her when she was alive suddenly opened up within me after I read this blog of the "Die Liebeswellen". To bring her to mind has a new sense of intimacy and healing for me after reading what you wrote. Thank you.

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