The Empty Bowl
Two nights ago around midnight, a golden honey-colored bowl is glowing in the night sky. Its color intensifies as it slowly sinks into the dark horizon. It is the moon, inviting us to selectively fill our emptiness. Our nights and days, our mind and body, breath and heart.
Brass bowl
(height 2 inches, radius 3.5 inches)
When I studied design in the early seventies at the Technical University in Munich, we had to do a four-month internship in a factory. I chose the company WMF (Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik, in existence since 1853), a factory located in the tiny village of Geislingen an der Steige near Stuttgart. It was well-known for its elegant designs and manufacturing of high quality household goods. One high point was assisting the Glass department’s head designer who at the end let me design a wooden glass blowing mold for my own drinking glass. Watching the master blowers work in their teams, this time producing my own design, was extremely exciting. I was good with my hands, so I spent many hours in the glass engraving section. Another highlight of my apprenticeship was the Metal department for forks, knives, spoons, bowls, pots, candle holders, and more, where the Meister (foreman) taught me all kind of skills. Early on he put a flat sheet of brass on my work table. I had observed him, and on my first try I was able to slowly hammer a small bowl into existence. Out of flatness, a three-dimensional miracle. With hundreds of blows of little hammers: sculpting emptiness. The bowl arose and shaped itself – I still have it.
Winter is a good time to pause and contemplate emptiness. Then we selectively fill, till it is time to let go again… I am not speaking of things here, but rather of qualities, activities, focus. Nature’s cycles mirror us this arising and vanishing. We humans, too, are seasons, are “seasonal” – part of transformational movements. Like moon, stars, trees, ocean, foxes, civilizations, all waxes and wanes, it is here and then it disappears. We live and then….
the process of letting go, making space, sitting with openness can be so liberating, regenerative, inspiring when done intentionally or moving with the unexpected & unanticipated, like a dance, like water moving with the ebbs & reflecting on your words Karina, especially reading this in the wake of the full moon in Cancer :)