Today February 1, 2022, is the actual re-issue release date of Black Lives, White Lives. And I will indulge in sharing a very personal story. Thirty years ago, when Bob was wooing and courting me, he gave me early on (August 10, 1991) a hard copy of Black Lives, White Lives.  A year later – shortly before we got married on July 12, 1992 – he inscribed it for me with the following words: 

Dear Karina: When I first gave you this book, I had known you only for three weeks. I knew I wanted to know you much much better. But I could have never dreamed how much we would learn about each other. And more importantly how I would come to love and appreciate everything about you, every new dimension of your person, spirit, and character that continually unfold before me. Of course I gave you the book originally so that you would know me, but my secret motive was that you would admire it and me, and hopefully fall in love with me! I'm glad it worked!    

With Love, 


(June 23, 1992)

Who would have known that I would end up being able to make a small contribution to a second life of Black Lives, White Lives. The book’s re-issue is a gift to all. And to me particularly, as it gave me the privilege to be part of passing on stories which we need to remember in order to change, grow and heal as a society. 

cover of 1989 paperback


Unknown said…
This entry made me sob... As a PhD candidate struggling against the coldness and hardness of academia, I have always dreamed about finding those people who do critical intellectual work with such heart, and who make university environments bearable for us young people. Bob is such an inspiration for this. Thank you for continuing to share his academic work!! It is convincing me to finally write something!
Karina said…
Your comment made me tear up all over again, thank you. And may your be on your way with heart and whole! We need that... urgently...

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