Let me introduce you to the Wild Violets in my garden, white and unassuming – delicately fragrant – and easy to overlook. Showing their bowed heads early in January, after some good rains. I kneel and bow down close to the ground to greet them, inhale their presence, and ask for permission to harvest them. Their leaves and flowers are my medicine allies for making tinctures, for infusing honey and oils, as well as in my miso soup. Despite the continued devastating drought, many abundant patches have been showing up this year – pure delight...
The white violets are with me on the living room table, or on the kitchen window sill. Their sweet uplifting fragrance and their heart shaped leaves invite innermost connection...
I dry the small blossoms and leaves...
...and make a cup of tea
The glass cup holds intimate magic – a potion to strengthen heart & spirit. When much death and loss visited me a few years ago, and the wild violets showed their beautiful faces with a tiny bit of yellow and a smidgen of purple, they became my deepest solace that winter. These friends also alerted me to some of the other medicine plants who volunteer in my garden, ready to be of help, and to bring healing. My Plantains, Lemon Balm, Cleavers, Wild Oats, Scarlet Pimpernel – I had noticed and admired them, never considered them as weeds. But now over the years, I have engaged with each on ever deepening levels. Their gifts are precise, they respond to my spirit and attention, and I am in the habit of introducing friends who are visiting to them. These medicine plants are bringing beauty and solace, vitality and insight, nourishment and healing. Unassuming – they just ARE – present!