The green leaves of my new Ginkgo tree wave like little flags. Their special green color has a minute yellow tinge – not only in the golden evening sun, as in this snap shot with rhododendron in back. 

Planted last November, I did not know how the young tree would like its spot on the front hill where I had taken out a couple of small oaks to give it sun. It felt like a wild adventure to finally proceed with my long-held wish and make space for a Ginkgo friend in Karinaland. How would it go? 

 The first small Ginkgo leaves sprouting in late March from buds on bare branches – miraculous wonder! 

Mine is a male Ginkgo producing small pollen cones that dry and drop off. The tree will grow slowly. People visiting easily overlook it, so I point out my new friend with affection. This tree, native to China, is ancient, going back approximately 170 million years. It is able to live up to 1,500 years. Some Ginkgo trees in Hiroshima were the only living organism within 2 kilometers to survive the atom bomb. Every day, going up and down the stairs, stopping for a greeting, I talk to my new friend with great admiration, and bow to its unique spirit of survival, tenacity, wisdom and beauty. 

Trailing away, curious questions arise: How will this adventure unfold? Most likely my Ginkgo friend will keep growing long after I am dead. Long after house, garden, and the Live Oaks seize to exist. When all around has gone back to earth – will he tell stories of old times hundreds of years ago? Long ago tales of the lady with white long hair who planted and watered him faithfully in his first years? About her admiration for him, keeping the ivy away from his trunk... Old Ginkgo's view of sunsets will be far and wide, the glittering waters of the bay feeding his spirit....

...the short while we are allowed to be around...


Fern said…
A great way to start my day...looking at the world view thru your lovely new friend Ginkgo. I did not know these venerable facts and have always loved Ginkgo. I hope to meet and greet Ginkgo soon!
Karina said…
yeah, Ginkgos are so lovable... green and golden and wise.... come by soon!

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