Karinaland River The Karinaland River blog you are reading at this moment came about by accident. A year ago, my cello teacher Bob Ng took beautiful and evocative b&w stills of the Memorial Mural. Then to my surprise, he set up this blog with the memorial stills as a platform for me to continue and write: https://blmmuralproject.blogspot.com/ Initially I was nervous. Would I be able to find the right kind of voice for it? As soon as I started, it easily flowed to my surprise. A new way of writing. I called it my blog adventure , allowing for the innate playfulness and curiosity which have been my lifelong companions. In my view, life wants to express itself, live itself – like a river. Conceiving the blog as a River helped. Here my life’s different themes & stories could perhaps organically interweave into one stream. Last fall the daily short entries changed to bi-weekly stories, a nd I started using visuals ...