Karinaland River
The Karinaland River blog you are reading at this moment came about by accident. A year ago, my cello teacher Bob Ng took beautiful and evocative b&w stills of the Memorial Mural. Then to my surprise, he set up this blog with the memorial stills as a platform for me to continue and write:
Initially I was nervous. Would I be able to find the right kind of voice for it? As soon as I started, it easily flowed to my surprise. A new way of writing. I called it my blog adventure, allowing for the innate playfulness and curiosity which have been my lifelong companions. In my view, life wants to express itself, live itself – like a river. Conceiving the blog as a River helped. Here my life’s different themes & stories could perhaps organically interweave into one stream. Last fall the daily short entries changed to bi-weekly stories, and I started using visuals for each entry. A few months ago, we renamed the blog Karinaland River. Here is my third entry from a year ago, June 30th, 2021:
For the whole blog, I envisioned certain threads submerged at times, then resurfacing, braiding themselves into a winding River. Shimmering with the colors and currents of my 50 years of work in dance, theater, filmmaking and Mind-Body teaching. Social observations and commemorations, friends and family, continents and cultures. Languages, poetry and art. Now, past and future. All could find a place here, in gurgling rivulets, whirlpools, cross currents. Sometimes pensively pooling, or ebbing and flowing – like the stream of life itself.
I never had a career – I was, and still am, just a working artist. To me, my personal growth and life, art projects, films and collaborations, are all one. Listening and following the River of Life has led me to unexpected, sometimes sudden, twist and turns, like leaving my birth country and language when age 27. Always, there were inevitable callings, and mysteries. Often swimming against the current was required. Then again, I would be pulled ahead by the deeper demands of destiny. Different influences, interests, and fields would form a whole only in retrospect. Looking back, seeing the hidden threads throughout, it all would start making sense, and give me a feeling of belonging. Within this River of Destiny, I was shedding skins, evolving, maturing, being molded, and at times radically transformed. Never could I have imagined that a blog would make this River palpable. Thank you, Life – thank you to Bob, the blog’s instigator – and thank you to all the many people in and throughout my life!!!
Today sending Happy Birthday wishes to my sister Dinah!
She lives in Göttingen, Germany, I have written about her before: