A week ago, on Sunday May 29, Karinaland garden was filled with celebration of precious life... 

...with live classical music, birds eagerly chiming in. And we had delicious Armenian food from La Mediterranée, and perfect weather. I was amazed that 32 people accepted my invitation, young and old.  A kind of “coming-out” after 2 plus years. Friends going back 20 or 30 years – and even 40 years – showed up. I needed community to mark the 2022 re-issue of my late husband’s 1989 classic Black Lives, White Lives. Two years of hard work to make it happen with UC Press, my eye on all details of content and design so this extraordinary book and the voices featured in it, can now live on for future generations. And wonderful community it was! On this Memorial Day...



For more photos go to the album Christopher made: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yhHGaVYpsqyDzzLM7 

Elbert Tsai (violin) and Christine Simpson (viola)

The book sharing circle of our colorful crowd went on till sunset, discussing hard and sad realities in America, from racism to recent waves of shootings, from questions and despair to hope of the younger generation present.

With deep gratitude for everyone who attended  

and helped create a memorable & meaningful afternoon



Alex K said…
It was a beautiful day in all ways beginning with the weather, the beauty of Karinaland, the heartfelt people of all ages and backgrounds, the glorious music in such an intimate setting, the listening to each other, delicious food. Thank you for your generosity and hard work in making it all come together.

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