Whoever grew up with balmy summer nights, will never forget, will always be longing for them. Laue Sommernächte. I turn nostalgic remembering nights of that kind. Whenever I get to experience them – mostly outside of the San Francisco Bay Area – or in Europe, at my sister’s, brother’s, or friends’ balconies leisurely eating outdoors, talking till late night, taking a stroll, letting the night grow dark in its own time for stars to shine, nightingales offering song, I am in heaven. If all by myself, I will sigh softly and fall into reverie, watch the evening light fade over long soft hours. Body, heart and mind become dreamy, unwind and relax. Perhaps a glass of wine, some eau de vie or cider; yes, those make company with old and new friends even more pleasurable. Outdoor concerts abound, cafes and beer gardens with long wooden tables and benches under canopies of tall old trees Linden, Eichen, Buchen, Kastanienbäume. People mingle with an abundance of leisure which we seldom get to experience in urban America so bent on work and business. Even fun seems to need striving, capitalism selling products and events, making us forget "free" delight, simple geniessen. 

Kassandra under live oaks 

Today beginning of summer – Solstice, Midsummer, Sonnenwende – I normally would be tempted to delve into nostalgia. No need however, we have a heat wave day with temperatures in the upper nineties here in the East Bay (102 at my place at 4 pm). In the old days I used to clamor for those rare occasions, a balmy night on the horizon. But in past years I am glad when the fog rolls in, lessoning our very high fire danger. Weather and drought are extreme these days even in Northern California. In light of safety, my attitude completely changed: from adoring heat to loving fog, no more complaining about the cool ocean breeze :)  Tonight, I will sit on my Kassandra deck remembering Sommernächte light till 10:30 pm. Almost everyone is mellow, calmly happy, joyful, quietly tipsy, and laughing. Aware that winter will bring darkness and cold – midsummer nights are deeply cherished. I raise my glass of ginger beer to the trees, birds and squirrels: zum Wohl :)  pensively marveling at the the fact that many many people are celebrating in their own ways, near and far… 


Paraiso under live oaks 


Sam S said…
Karina, thank you for this lovely reverie on summer, my favorite time of year. In my nostalgic case it wasn't social as much as about being free... no regimented, militaristic classrooms to be in at uncivilized hours of the morning. Every spring I used to keep a countdown on my notebook of how many days were left until school was out. Happy Summer to all!
Fern said…
What a lovely blog entry and so true. It reminds me of how grateful I am when the fog rolls in! When I first moved here, I learned that the fog had a name and a twitter account. Whenever Karl returns I am so very happy to see the many forms it takes as it rolls in under the Golden Gate.
Karina said…
Yeah, some of us rebellious and free spirited ones never liked school :) i can identify....
Karina said…
And ferns are fog lovers!
Alex K said…
I spent many of my growing up years in Atlanta. The Summer nights there could be hot and humid-quite suffocating. But most of the time the humidity and temperature at night were perfect. I remember being out in my shorts and tshirt late at night with the fireflies. The night air on my skin felt wonderful and the darkness seemed mysterious and inviting.

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