Guardian of my Entrance Door
For a few weeks now, my Fairy Wand plant has been luxuriously spreading out her many arms adorned with magenta bells. This year further and wider than ever, taking over, guarding the entrance to the patio and to my front door in turquoise. Visitors exclaim: wow, who is this? Her being is generous in nature, flamboyant, delightful, playful, magical. Bees of all kind are extremely attracted to her, buzzing busily in and out of those bells all day.
The other day, I sit at my threshold under Fairy Wand’s arches, when a hummingbird approaches, checking me out close-up, four inches from my face, and then sits on one of Fairy Wand’s arms three feet away, resting her tiny body, gently bouncing in the breeze on the arched thin stalk… Time is disappearing… Hummingbird, Wind, Fairy Wand and me, we are breathing in unison, embraced in a cosmic song… with this gesture we become the world, inhabiting each other, our souls intermingle in this shimmering eternal field… for a long, long time… like in a fairy tale with no ending, where we live happily forever…
Recalling this I can still taste the distinct fragrance and aroma of these shapeshifting minutes…
Last year same time in August, I wrote Ode to Fairy Wand
and only in a second entry – an Afterword to my Ode – did I introduce a photo of her