Quince Thieves 

Like the years before, this spring about thirty or more Quince fruit started growing on my small tree. I am excited as they miraculously emerge out of the blossoms, seeing myself already making quince jam, my favorite. Every day I inspect them with adoration. The fruit are beautifully sculptured as they ripen slowly from their deep green towards yellow. Then one morning – suddenly all will be gone. No traces left. Each year this stuns me into shock and disbelief. Again…. Obviously, I am not a seasoned farmer :)


But a few quinces are left on the tree to fully ripen. This year only two. Whoever steals them has mercy on me. Perhaps raccoon thieves feasting? No traces left… Still, I can make a small compote from these gems. They are furry and already deepened into a golden yellow. Early this year, but still a bit longer till harvest. Quince is an ancient fruit and my ancient heart starts glowing and growing when lightly touching the fruit’s fuzz…  a longing, an old belonging, shapes up in my imagination, quintessential ­– like nectar, honey, breath, elixir of eternity – whisperings of old essential wisdom...

Harvest of Quince: 



Quince Blossoms: 



nicole gervacio said…
wishing you a quince jam year! sounds precious & delicious...
Karina said…
Only two precious quinces this year :) one i took off, the other beauty is still ripening on tree. So, soon i'll make a small quince compote. Still looking forward to a bountiful quince harvest in future. Several years ago, i was able to harvest 12 to 15 fruit – every year i wonder...

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