Goldenrod and Asian Pears – Golden Times
Bounty of Indian Summer. My blooming goldenrod stalks waving in the breeze, calling out to me – their tiny sunburst blossoms emanating a fuzzy golden softness that soothes. And the Asian pears have been ripening patiently into big golden globes, hidden within in their dark-green-leaved home, the shapely tree. Season of Gold.
September is Time of endings and change, of yellow and earth, lingering sweet summer memories… Here in California, it looks and feels like fall, very dry and hot – it is the time of wildfires, heat waves, shorter days, transitions, memorials, paradox and transformation…
I harvest goldenrod’s leaves and blossoms for making healing oils, tinctures, and teas. Nourishment for spirit, soul and body. My goldenrod oil works wonders for arthritic pain or injuries. If my hands and fingers start aching from too much garden work or cello practice, I massage them in the evening with my goldenrod infused magic oil. The pain disappears. And the golden potion’s warm and earthy fragrance accompanies me as I drift into dreams… where string music, rose petals, and cicada song, mingle with the sound of apples falling onto the wooden deck, decay, and fragments of golden times...