Aidan’s first Visit to Karinaland – so much Joy!

Sunday afternoon, meeting for the first time the son of Michelle, one of my T’ai Chi students and her husband Micah, sharing apples, a big pot of garden herb tea, dried fruit and crackers on the Kassandra deck in Karinaland. All of us so happy. 

Aidan with parents Michelle and Micah, gnawing on his first apple picked straight from the upper small tree with its many fruits. He bravely climbed the 108 “bumpy” steps up the hill – impressive! He swept my tea house and enjoyed the ding-dong of chimes all around. 

Playing the hug game with parents and Karina, running from one pair of open arms to another, enjoying flying into embraces!

The past 2 and half years the pandemic have kept us from meeting in person. Fortunately, I have been receiving lots of wonderful pictures of Aidan along the way. Michelle has been studying with me for 5 years. And now she is a T’ai Chi mother. And sometimes, in our Monday evening zoom class, we see him zip in and out of the room. Once, early on, I encouraged her to do the shifting exercise with Aidan in her arms, rocking him to sleep. Throughout, I have been so impressed how she handles her new motherhood and shortly after taking on a new professional role. Aidan – two years old now – is pure delight, very strong and physically adept, heart centered and open, and I have witnessed Michelle flower with him. 

Here we dance...

Thanks, Michelle, for taking hug & dance pictures!


Alex K said…
What a pleasure to partake in some of the joy and exuburance of your Sunday afternoon. You and Aidan make quite a couple :)
Fern said…
The joy is palpable!

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