Three Generations visiting the 641 Garage Memorial Mural 


I came across these stills from August 2020:  

My friend Fern bringing by family – thank you! 

Lia Rose, Fern, and Lily Rose  

At the Mural in its early months, with the so-helpful scaffold 

We started in June 2020. Here is the finished – and yet unfinishable – Memorial 

in the dappled evening light of November 2022

Up to this day, people are bringing friends and family to experience the commemoration wall, 

which now includes also several dozen names of the huge numbers of innocent Black people wrongfully incarcerated, and freed only after decades – lives stolen.

May this Wall of Mourning remind us that Justice must be the base of a decent and free society – 

may it motivate and move us towards a greater measure of Justice.


Fern said…
What an honor to bring my girls to see your amazing project, I know it will live always in their memories. And YES may it motivate and move us towards a greater measure of Justice. Thank You Karina for making this Wall of Mourning...I know it was a lot of work for you but it is so important!
Karina said…
yes, a work of love which poured through me, needed to be done, some days with others, many hours alone... the Wall is really Love... somebody suggested to me to paint the word love on it, he wanted to give me a "spiritual" lecture :) i listened and then said: "yes the whole wall is Love, painted with love for hours and hours, designed and researched with love etc..." and i waved my paintbrush at him theatrically :)
Ja wie wertvoll liebe Karina, einen sicheren Platz für unsere Trauer zu wahren und zu schützen. Auf der einen Seite ist es ein Teil der Gerechtigkeit von Leben, vielleicht auch der Gerechtigkeit von Aufmerksamkeit. Insofern ist der Ort der Erinnerung ein Ort der Ehrung, der uns erinnert an das Wertvolle von Leben und dem JA zum Leben.
Dein Bruder Matthias
Karina said…
I am translating:

Yes, Dear Karina – how precious to create a safe and protected space for our sorrow and grief. On one hand, this belongs to life’s justice, on the other hand perhaps also to the justice through mindfulness. This way, the place of remembrance is a place of honoring which helps us to not forget the preciousness of life and the YES to life.
Your brother Matthias

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