Reflections on Teaching the Principles and Art of T’ai Chi Ch’uan (Part 1) For more than 40 years, I have been studying, practicing and teaching T’ai Chi Ch’uan (which is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Philosophy). I was trained to become a teacher the traditional way, was made assistant, and then years later sent off with permission and blessing to open my own school. After the initial resistance to becoming a teacher of T’ai Chi – since my twenties I have been teaching dance, theater, movement, voice & sounding, creative expression, and more – I recognized the enormous gift, and never let it go. Teaching forces us to deeply inquire in order to transmit. T’ai Chi became my main nourishment and compass, it was life-altering, and truly life-saving in my case. My approach to teaching kept growing and deepening with me over the decades. How can we integrate the principles into our approach to life, work, art, people, to anything? When in good alignme...