Happy Lunar New Year of the Water Rabbit

All year long I follow the moon cycles of full & empty – rising and ebbing – marking and celebrating full moon & new moon. The ocean, plant world and our menstrual cycles and bodies are naturally in tune with these lunar cycles. And for children the power of the moon is undeniable. The white light of the full moon would put me under a spell hard to break. But getting older my favorite has become the New Moon – the darkness with its promise of new beginnings, visions and possibilities.


On Sunday, January 22, the Lunar New Year (or Spring Festival) started with the new moon. Two weeks of festivities are being celebrated by many different Asian cultures & communities in America and around the world. I personally am not into fortune telling, but I enjoy exploring playfully what we are offered with the Water Rabbit in the coming year. In this case, twice a yin quality, soft & malleable, and yet capable of thorough and intelligent assessment, adjustment, and speed if needed. We might be able to engage with life and others a bit more gently, thoughtfully, allowing ourselves to slow down, so we can respond creatively, intuitively and sensitively. 

Prayers for the New Year! 


Here in California, we have had rains and flooding with their beneficial and disastrous manifestations. And in the last three days we had three mass shootings, waking us yet into another reality of unimaginable everyday violence. But we should not forget that racial and imperialistic violence has always been part of American culture, going back to its early founding days. May we recognize the insanity of so many guns per capita in this society, unparalleled in the world.  May we wake from the compulsion to conquer and win, exploit and kill – may we find Joy, Wonder and Awe in our hearts…. 


…in all colors… 


I played around with a bit of linoleum cutting. Here are some experiments with carving and then printing my joy-wonder-awe design – interweaving and highlighting those inspirational words and qualities for the coming year. May we all learn to walk on soft rabbit paws, flexible and awake! With generous hearts and firm principles when it comes to sharing and caring, justice and inclusivity.  

Using old paper I still had, the colors changing with background, trying also for two-tone fade :)


Liebe Karina, ich genieße es, wie sorgsam und fühlend du über die Zyklen und den Mond schreibst. Danke dafür, es ist zum Innehalten, wenn ich lese und spüre, wie gut.
Und am 22. Januar begann und beginnt neben der Verheißung des Neumondes eine Phase bis März, in denen wir - astrologisch gesehen - mit vielen Herausforderungen und schellen kraftvollen Impulsen von innen und ebenso Zumutungen von Außen zu tun haben werden. Atmen und Spüren ist da angesagt, Staunen und Innehalten. Auf der kosmischen Ebene die Kraft von Mars und die Schnelligkeit von Uranus. Matthias
Ecraig said…
Wow thank you so much for these intentions into the universe during yet another week of unsettling violence in this country. Its been comforting to feel into all the beauty that our natural world offers in the face of so much pain 💗
Alex K said…
The linoleum cuttings are wonderful and playful. After reading your description of the year of the Rabbit, I appreciate more fully "walking with soft cat's paws." I can imagine seeing a cat walk and each step responsive and alive, learning and curious.
Karina said…
Below in english my brother's comment – thank you, Matthias! Great that you were able to sign on :)

Dear Karina, I am enjoying how caring and sensitive you write about the cycles and the moon. Thank you, it invites me to pause when I read and feel, how good. And on January 22 – parallel to the new moon’s promise – began a phase lasting till March where astrologically seen we will have to deal with many challenges, quick powerful inner impulses as well as strong outer demands. So, breathing and feeling is needed. Wondering and pausing. On the cosmic level: the strength of Mars and the quickness of Uranus. Matthias
Karina said…
In my T'ai Chi teaching i developed many years ago a deceivingly simple practice i call the "cat walk" and will often say to my students, "walk with soft cat paws." Practicing this we learn how to "stalk" like a cat, very slowly, alert and relaxed at the same time. Our feet become alive, sensitive creatures feeling the ground with delight before we shift our weight, always in balance, soft, and yet ready to pounce :) awake! This new year i have also been talking about "walking with soft rabbit paws."
Jed Riffe said…
Wow, Karina: Love the linoleum carving and cutting art work. You are keeping busy mixing art and politics. Let's make the New Year more impactful. Jed

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