Loving to Death Blue Heart Stone by Marya When Emma – who is in her early thirties – tells me she noticed how most American police TV series have the same formula of the cop being the hero and good guy, I am relieved and thrilled to hear her actively inquiring where the obsession with guns, violence, and mass shootings might partially originate from. How it is secretly embedded everywhere in our culture. The entertainment most of us are happily and innocently digesting. How we are unknowingly brainwashed. Thrilling violence titillates our senses and wakes us up from numbness. Perhaps this kind of entertainment is teaching us all along violent behavior as a normal way to be alive, she wonders. To solve our problems with guns. For me, cop shows are a continuation of the old “Western” mentality. Every Man for Himself with a Gun . (Notice the always gendered association.) Of course, the whiter the hero the better, the villains are ...