light rain    tea leaves    smiles 

flowering    irrepressible    the laughter from yesterday 

listening    bending low    intoxicating fragrances

The other day, pruning in the drizzle. With its green wetness, the garden is inviting deep breaths, and sighs. On hands and knees, I crawl into undergrowth. Musky scents, all around a subtle hum. When I emerge, the sun comes out for a brief moment, and the world alights into a sparkling magic realm. Everywhere raindrops, glittering, glistening on leaves, blossoms, branches, buds. Raindrops – hanging still – suspended in time. Waiting…  But really all is falling. 


After the brief rising, flowering, lingering, comes the dripping, falling, crumbling, composting, evaporating, and then “it” is gone. Raindrops, cities, walls, life, mountains, earthly existence…. 


Later I go for a walk, light rain blessing all, including me… 


Alex K said…
Your relationship with nature-the beauty you see, the pleasure you take, the knowing that appears-crafted and I am moved, left with a large sadness full of love and grace. What you have written helps me make room for my losses, thank you.

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