Fairy Wand Every year this plant being spreads its arms wider and wider, taking up almost the whole patio. My entrance door is protected :) Visitors have to pay attention now, figure out how to weave their way through long spiky leaves, four feet high. Some of Fairy Wand’s flowering stalks are reaching into the sky towering at seven or eight feet. Everyone asks for the plant’s name, all admire her. Over time her fuchsia bells unfold their skirts for all kind of bees, including big bumble bees and humming birds. Then the seed pods start to form slowly, hanging, dangling, dancing in the breeze. She gives a long-lasting show, her stages of transformation are manifold. This is what I admire about Fairy Wand. Carefully studying her every day gives lessons about the process of maturing, shapeshifting. Every summer this time, I can’t resist to write about her, she spreads so much delight. For more stills, click links below to previous years' entries, like...