The empty space, hot sun, and stars at night. Cleaning up in the garden, a gentle breeze on my sweaty skin. Presents are still trickling in, surprising me... touching me. A couple of days ago, Bob Ng, my cello teacher, sends me this beautiful note and audio gift:
“As I thought about the silence which must have settled on your garden after the chain saws and workmen had completed their task, I was inspired to record my transcription of "Atman" as a tribute to Mama Oak. According to Google,
Atman is a Hindu word that means 'soul or spirit'. Essentially, it refers to the real person inside an individual. It is made of part of the spirit of Brahman, who Hindus believe is the one true ultimate God. Therefore, it is not something that can be seen or touched, but it is eternal and everlasting.
I'm sure that Mama Oak had an interior soul that is as real as the ones that we humans experience. This song is for her.”
Months ago, I ask Bob to transcribe for me the main cello melody from an ensemble piece by French cellist & composer Matthieu Saglio (the track Atman from his CD el camino del vientos). Bob is so good at that. I find the song beautiful, and he likes it too, teaching me to play it by memory. In my weekly lessons I love listening to Bob playing his cello – exquisite. Now you can hear a bit, too.
Thank you, Bob!