Seeds Pointing to a Possible Future for Next Generations sweet pea seeds securely nestled in their pods The last few sweet pea flowers are straggling along in my now dry, mostly un-watered garden. I am just about to wrap up harvesting their seeds. I love this ritual: waiting for green pods to turn brown and brittle, collecting from various spots, splitting them open, the tactile joy of teasing the firm seeds out of their shell. Filling my old metal jar. The irregular round seeds rattle and roll with a satisfying tune – riches in my hand. I got plenty, offering some as gifts to friends. Come winter rains, I push the seeds in the wet ground. Of course, the sweet pea vines have been reseeding all along. sweet pea flowers with their intensely floral and slightly sweet fragrance Left in the hot sun, the pods split, curling into spirals. The pods’ spiraling force propels the seeds out into the world. I marvel how flowers have been our first litt...