Ocean Mist's Secrets
My old friend the whale head bone
Yesterday at the beach – a glorious feast of light. First sun, then many shades of grey are starting to lodge themselves into the minutely shifting landscape. Ocean, clouds, seaweed, sand, dunes, fog, mist. Within this play the seagulls, sandpipers, pelicans, geese, all creatures, even humans, are included. The rhythm of change, ebbing and flowing, strong waves cresting and crashing. A thick soundscape, soothing with its improvised as well as repetitious melody, sometimes pierced by cries. Encountering the elements of life and death, I keep walking on... eventually merged with fog and ocean spray – all is misting my being…
Once in a while strong, but fleeting, sunrays peak through, and vivid colors infuse the scene with bright blues, browns, greens. My bare feet find their steady rhythm on varying sand surfaces, soft, firm, wet, submerged by water, every so often my soles seek out the delicious slime of seaweed bundles. Increasingly I am enveloped in another world. Everything is otherworldly.
A world of secrets I know little about – so I listen. On my three-hour walk I meet a lot of death washed up on the beach. The coming and going of life, waves, birds, and fog – their dance takes over. My body-being tastes the salt of existence, of blood coursing through my veins.
Someday, my physical body will be ready to decompose, just as the beautiful cadavers I am encountering today. Surprisingly, this thought feels comforting. The sense of belonging to the natural order makes me nod in acceptance and smile with gratitude, happy.
For a brief moment we are here on earth, then gone… May we taste life’s grace and beauty.
More photos of whale head bone
Here is to nature's endless kind of smells, including us crazy humans, and our many preferences and pure delights. Let there be biodiversity.